AWARE MD, a subsidiary of MD Primer, provides
CEREBRUM™ a thinking software

Cerebrum™ Highlights:

  • Decision Enhanced Software  – Thinking software to help store and retrieve the right information fast

  • Modular and Scalable Design- The CerebrumTM system design and architecture is scalable, upgradeable and adaptable

  • Easy-to-Learn – Shorten training time with intuitive and easy-to-use interface

  • Microsoft-based  Architecture – recognized, stable, tested, and effective medical technology platform

  • Data Mine- every piece of clinical information is stored as discrete data, including encounter notes.
    Ideal for clinical research and generation of hypotheses.
    Ideal for chart audits for adherence with guidelines.

  • DICOM Interphase- all images are part of EMR

  • E-Health Integration – Tight and seamless integration with GlobalCardioTM a leader in E-health and Telemedicine

Cerebrum™ is a proprietary workflow solution developed for healthcare professionals to manage busy multi-diagnostic practices. It is a secure, intuitive and modular software program that can be customized to your clinical needs. It represents the   most comprehensive workflow solution available today for Canadian healthcare institutions.

Our workflow solution creates an integrated workspace for healthcare professionals. We have designed the system with you, the healthcare professional in mind. Our goal is to create a universal medical record that controls and manages both patient data and practitioner workflow.

Cerebrum’s major strength is how it drives work queues and work flow processes for clinical activities. Importantly, Cerebrum™ will provide a complete and comprehensive solution for an institution’s immediate needs, while allowing for future growth and scalability, via its flexible architecture.

Through real time monitoring and the expediting of the patient care process, Cerebrum™ will improve the quality of a patient’s care, thus, enhancing their personal experience within the institution. Out of the box, the library of Cerebrum’s tools and modules are already aligned to suit the desired workflow at the institution level, thereby allowing for an easy and rapid transition to an electronic healthcare environment.

Cerebrum™ is designed to drive all aspects of a patient’s experience including the clinical management and administrative control of the workflow associated with the care of that patient. Cerebrum™ was created to achieve two goals, the first being to increase the quality of patient service and the other being to reduce cost through effective business management.

Cerebrum™ workflow includes many capabilities that significantly extend and deepen the integration between the modules. Physicians and front-end staff can schedule and monitor patient follow-ups; office management can track patient demographics and create rules to trigger appropriate actions. Through Cerebrum™, common office activities are automated and coordinated, creating efficiencies, saving time and increasing billings for the entire operations.

“CMD sees approximately 200 patients a day across its three clinics. The utilization of the Cerebrum™ has greatly reduced our operational cost and reduced our reporting cycle time, resulting in higher efficiencies and greater revenue retention. Our cardiologists have come to accept and rely on the Cerebrum™ as an industry standard for the office and patient management solution. Indeed our business has benefited from higher efficiency through use of this model and our physicians and patients have benefited from being able to provide prompt and accurate patient care.”

  • Dr David Neumann, CardioMatters Diagnostics Inc, Toronto, ON

We have evaluated the Cerebrum™ system for implementation in a number of settings including the cardiology and anticoagulation clinics. I believe the utilization of the Cerebrum™ will result in higher efficiency and time and cost savings.

  • Yaariv Khaykin, MD, FRCPC, FACC Cardiology and Cardiac Electrophysiology


  • A fully integrated scheduling module allows your clinic to easily manage patient appointments from within the scheduler module
  • Schedule multiple offices/clinics/departments that are geographically separate from a single location or many locations
  • Track and schedule multiple resources such as staff, doctors, equipment, and clinic rooms etc in a single comprehensive schedule
  • Resolve and/or disallow the scheduling conflicts according to your pre-set custom criteria
  • Optimal and efficient use of the resources maximize the use of all resources and income

WEB-BOOKING and report download

  • Allows approved GP offices (or approved patients, depending on your practice) to make referrals and book appointments through the web
  • Web booking form becomes the referral form or a requisition for tests and gets attached to appointment, avoiding the need for faxing and filing these forms as usually done
  • Web booking module allows appointment slips for a patient to be created with the instructions, map to the chosen location and date and time of the appointment referral documents are uploaded via web directly into the patient's chart in the Cerebrum


  • Cerebrum™ reminds patients about upcoming appointments according to custom preset text and custom preset schedule and in any language over the phone
  • SMS reminders or e-mail reminders for patients
  • Cerebrum™ fully automates billing - completed from the schedule for all visits and tests that were performed
  • 1-button billing and submission  - No additional work required
  • Program automatically adds and corrects all allowable additional billing codes that were missed
  • Program helps maximize billing by suggesting better codes and warns of conflicts with rules.
  • Program confirms with OHIP, reconciles and re-submits automatically – no human interaction needed
  • Completely replaces manual billing agent
  • Workflow Collaboration - This collaboration function allows multi-doctor / multi-staff clinics / multi-resource clinics,  laboratories and diagnostic facilities to work together in real-time
  • Allows one to track and control the flow of patients through various stages of their visit/encounter etc by tracking patient’s location and status (including what test and at what stage of readiness) within the clinic at any point in time
  • Allows staff to view the “full picture” and maintain orderly flow of the clinic


  • Cerebrum™ makes all internal appointments automatically right out of the patient’s encounter page
  • It also allows the physician to input the tasks/assignments for staff, which Cerebrum™ would distribute and track to completion including reminders for incomplete tasks
  • Cerebrum tracks all orders to completion and to receiving the results
  • Single-click medication prescribing – Easy “auto-complete” way or “pick list” option for new prescriptions or renewals with access to recommended doses, drug information including side effects and interactions
  • Cerebrum™ also keeps an up to date list of all medications that patient is receiving currently as well as list of all past medications and history of why they were changed.
  • Cross-check for allergies and side effects that may have occurred in the past with warning updates
  • Cerebrum™ has an Artificial Intelligence (AI) component
  • Learns and saves all new items
  • Prescribes long lists of repeats with a single click
  • Checks for allergies and gives warnings
  • Checks for wrong doses, contra-indications and for cross-referencing medications from the same class
  • Provides patient instruction
  • Keeps track of repeats
  • Able to bill for repeats, if desired
  • Cerebrum™ transforms logical “pick lists” into patient notes or structured consult letters
  • All available data that is not changed, gets populated into the visit page automatically – only new info from the current visit requires entering
  • keeps and updates cumulative history
  • keeps and updates active problem list
  • all previous test results and lab results, medication list and allergy list are available from encounter page


  • Cerebrum™ is capable of creating a full consult letter semi- automatically from all the information available in the record


  • For specialists, who perform tests in the office or for hospitals, Cerebrum™ has a generic tool kit to create custom reports for any test
  • Cerebrum™ is able to create lists of patients according to pre-set (custom) criteria such as requiring re-calls, mammograms etc and send out the message notifications to those patients
  • Cerebrum™ keeps track of staff including workload, time and quantity of work for assessment purposes
  • Cerebrum™ provides full comprehensive business reporting
  • cerebrum downloads lab results directly into patient's charts, but also presents the new results to the physician for review as soon as they arrive
  • abnormal results can be alerted, while being reviewed and additional tests or any other orders are requested from the results page for easy workflow
  • new results are visible on the doctor's page as soon as they arrive
  • summary of each result is visible on the results list, without opening actual document

Patient interactive module

  • Cerebrum™ web sharing with patients  - is able to interact with the patients by allowing them to input/track their blood sugar, blood pressure, lab tests into the website, where the information will be shared by both patients and doctors and would allow the physician to interact with the patient on the basis of the input data
  • Personal Health Record (PHR) Management Intake Form - Patient is able to fill out symptoms / questionnaire prior to appointment, to stream line the flow in the office